When a Sacroiliac Belt Causes Pain

Unfortunately, any sacroiliac (SI) belt may occasionally cause pain. In most cases, this may be due to several factors that can be alleviated with the right approach; knowing where the pain is and what to do about it.
Issue #1: The pain is localized at the SI joint and may be coming directly from the ligaments. This can occur for several reasons such as: |
Issue #2: If the pain is along the sides of your pelvis, just under the belt, you may be compressing and irritating the cluneal nerves. One of the problems that occurs with a SIJ injury is excessive angulation at the lumbosacral area, due to excessive anterior pelvic tilt. The cluneal nerves exit the spine at the lumbosacral area and innervate the skin under the belt. If the cluneal nerves are already compressed and irritated at their exit from the spine due to excessive angulation, the compression of the belt along the sides of the pelvis can further irritate them and cause pain. |
What to do: Decreasing the angulation between L5 and the sacrum may reduce the stress on the cluneal nerves and relieve pain. Also, since this increased angulation at L5-S1 is usually caused by muscular compensation to the Sacroiliac Nutation Lesion, continuing to wear the Serola Belt should balance the muscles and reduce the anterior pelvic tilt. The belt pulls the pelvis backward and you feel like you are standing taller, more erect. As this happens, it opens the lumbosacral area enough to take some pressure off the nerves. You can feel this happening when you feel like you are standing taller, and the pain reduces or resolves. |
Although in rare cases, a sacroiliac belt may sometimes irritate the sacroiliac joint or local nerves, it can be relieved with the appropriate approach, and you can enjoy the pain relieving benefits of the Serola Sacroiliac Belt.