Dr. Serola Presents at the Iowa PGA Show

Dr. Rick Serola presented at the Iowa P.G.A. Show in front of nearly 200 golf professionals. His presentation named, “Clearing the Confusion About Back Pain to Improve Golf Performance” was received very well and educated many about the Sacroiliac Joint and the benefits offered by stabilizing the joint.
Dr. Serola spoke about how 4 out of 5 golfers are affected by back pain; limiting their ability to play. They play less often and they don’t play as many holes. Is it just that, as a group, golfers are getting older or is there a different contributing factor that is unrecognized? Is it the lumbar disc or, as more golfers are finding, the sacrum and sacroiliac joint? Dr. Serola explained the difference between the disc and sacroiliac joint and the role they play in the golf swing; how power is transferred through the body from the ground up to the arms in propelling the ball straight and long. He also explained the common problems that lead to both a reduction in power and an increase in pain, and how to avoid them, increasing a golfer’s enjoyment of the game and overall quality of life.
To learn more about how Serola Biomechanics can help your golf game, go to https://serola-wp.perrill.dev/market/golf-other-sports/ or to learn more about sports injuries go to https://serola-wp.perrill.dev/serola-solution/sports-injuries/. Your body will thank you!