

January 14, 2021

Pain Relief in Muscles

Sometimes we get aches and pain in muscles, and we are not sure what is the best thing we can do to find relief. Should we take medication, stretch, exercise, apply heat or ice, massage, vibration, etc. Basically, we can classify these types of pain relief to one central cause and effect based on reduced circulation. First, we have to understand muscle tone, which is the state of tension in …

June 16, 2020
Illustration of nutation and counternutation.

Nutation & Counternutation: A Matter of Balance

It is easy to acknowledge that our entire body revolves around our core; it just makes sense. But, aside from recognizing that principle, it is difficult to visualize what is going on in there. When we talk of the core, we are usually thinking about muscles, but the true core is deep within the muscles, i.e. the pelvis. But, even within the pelvis the exact core consists of the joints …

December 3, 2019

Dr. Rick Serola Featured in The American Chiropractor

Dr. Rick Serola Featured in The American Chiropractor Dr. Rick Serola was thrilled to discuss musculoskeletal integration with The American Chiropractor, America’s Most Read Chiropractic Magazine. In the interview, Dr. Serola explains how his 30 years of research into biomechanics resulted in the invention of not only The Serola Sacroiliac Belt and other orthopedic solutions, but also the creation of the Musculoskeletal Integration Theory. This theory offers a new model …

June 11, 2019

Appreciating the Functions of the Sacroiliac Joints

Appreciating the Functions of the Sacroiliac Joints The sacroiliac joints (SIJ) are underappreciated. Although the SIJs are the core structure of the musculoskeletal system, they remain the least understood joints in the body. Here is an overview of the intricate ways in which they function: 1) Weight Transfer The weight of the entire upper body rests on the sacrum. From the sacrum, the weight is transferred through the sacroiliac joints …